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Newport Road Crew Applies Dust Abatement

Those who live on an unpaved street in Newport, may have noticed a dust abatement product has been applied to the road surface by City of Newport Streets Department. The substance is actually a bio-degradable product called “lignonsulfonate”, and it’s derived from lignin, a naturally occurring polymer found in wood that acts like glue holding the cellulose fibers of pulp together. Lignon is an environmentally safe product, non-corrosive and non-toxic. Studies show it is not harmful to plants, animals or aquatic life when used properly. It washes off cars, kids and animals with water. Lignosulfonates work by binding the road surface particles together. Water evaporates
from the lignosulfonate as it dries, and the dust particles are trapped by the high viscosity, naturally sticky material. In addition, over time some of the lignosulfonates become completely insoluble due to solar heating. Dark brown upon initial application, color fades as traffic and rain slowly dilute
application; however, it has a cumulative effect and will stay in the rock and dust even after road grading and pothole repair, and actually gets better after each annual application. Lignonsulfonate works to prevent future potholes because of the binding nature with the dirt and gravel.


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